Definition of Head fake

1. Noun. (sports) A player's movement of the head as if to change direction, hoping to mislead pursuers. ¹

2. Noun. (figuratively) Any analogously misleading situation, such as a brief rise before a fall on the stock market. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Head Fake

head coach
head cold
head colds
head cook and bottle-washer
head cook and bottle-washers
head cook and bottle washer
head cook and bottle washers
head cooks and bottle-washers
head cooks and bottle washers
head count
head counts
head covering
head coverings
head crash
head down, bum up
head fake
head fakes
head first
head fold
head for the hills
head game
head games
head gasket
head gate
head girl
head group
head groups
head hair
head hairs
head home

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